Welcome home

We believe, church should be a place, full of life, excitement and the life changing presence of God. When you are visiting our services, this is exactly what you are going to experience.

We honor God with worship and preach from the bible in a practical and powerful way. Every sunday hundreds experience Gods presence and find new hope through Jesus Christ. Instead of just explaining, you should join one of our services! We would love to get to know you.


While you needed to find a new normal for your everyday life, we as a church have also made some adjustments:

All of our services are additionally online live and on demand on YouTube

Every week we create online content

Pastor Toni, would like to communicate with you by e-mail during the week, every week we send out a newsletter on the current situation, if you have not received it yet, you can register here with your contact details

If you have a prayer request, write to us at the bottom of the page


every sunday 10:00 am INCLUDING livestream

Dietenheimer str. 41, 89257 Illertissen

The Sunday service is the highlight of every week for us. We come together to celebrate Jesus and grow together. We always have a strong worship time and encouraging preaching. Our goal is for people to experience God and make a decision to live their lives with Him.

There will be no more children's service for school children starting age 3 parallel to the 9:30 service.

We will also again have epic youth 12-18 years every Friday.


get to know our pastors

Toni & Cornelia Heule Senior Pastors


discover more about yourself and us

Do you know why you are here on earth and your purpose in life? Come and check it out! Give us four sundays in order to get to know you better and us as church.


Step 1



STep 2



Step 3


schritt 4.png

Step 4


The Growth Track is happening every 1st to 4th Sunday during the odd months (Jan./March/May/July/Sept./Nov.), parallel to our 11:30 am service at our Neu-Ulm campus.  


As church we want to be big enough to reach you and then again small enough to know you. In our MEGA smallgroups you can find friends, live in freedom and easily become a part of our church.

We have groups with various different topics, meeting during the week in Ulm, Laupheim and the surrounding areas. The diversity is meant, to help you find something, that you are interested in. It’s all about doing, what we are already passionate about and to share it with others, while living our faith and helping each other to grow.  

If you are already part of our church, you can also easily start a MEGA smallgroup yourself. During one evening you’ll be explained how MEGA is working in detail and how your idea may come to life (MEGA Start-Up)


God has gifted everyone individually! With these gifts we are able to help others, in getting to know God even more. This is exactly what our Dreamteams are doing week by week. If your are interested in getting more practical, when it comes to serving God and people, you should definitely join our Growthrack.



prayer requests

“But earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.”
Acts, 12,5b (ESV)



The Bible clearly teaches that the first part of our income belongs to God and challenges us to test Him to see if He will bring blessings into our lives (Malachi 3:10). We love God and we love the Church, so we consider it a privilege to invest in His Kingdom. For this you can give on Sunday in the offering (bar), transfer money or donate here via Paypal.

Bank transfer | Account details

Sparkasse Neu-Ulm - Illertissen

DE94 7305 0000 0441 171311


*Disclaimer: We just started translating the entire webpage into English. All the forwarding links may still lead to pages written in German (originally). Still we are keen to finish this process as soon as possible to give you all the info you need. Please feel free to send us any questions you may have, directly to: info@life-unlimited.church