Welcome home
We believe, church should be a place, full of life, excitement and the life changing presence of God. When you are visiting our services, this is exactly what you are going to experience.
We honor God with worship and preach from the bible in a practical and powerful way. Every sunday hundreds experience Gods presence and find new hope through Jesus Christ. Instead of just explaining, you should join one of our services! We would love to get to know you.
While you needed to find a new normal for your everyday life, we as a church have also made some adjustments:
All of our services are additionally online live and on demand on YouTube
Every week we create online content
Pastor Toni, would like to communicate with you by e-mail during the week, every week we send out a newsletter on the current situation, if you have not received it yet, you can register here with your contact details
If you have a prayer request, write to us at the bottom of the page