live on purpose in the dreamteam
We believe that God has given you a certain calling, gifts and talents. Our church lives from people who invest their strengths in others. We call these teams Dreamteams. In our growth track you can find out more about yourself and your talents, it helps you to find your dream team:
You love technology, computers, sound, light design and want to be part of an excellent production? Then you've come to the right place!
Leader: Thomas Betzler
Your heart beats for children from 0 - 12 years. To show them the love of God in a playful way is your passion? Then become a part of KidsZone.
Leader: Ramona Rollenhagen
You know where everything is and know every form, now you want to help others orient themselves in the church? Then come to our Info Point.
Leader: Angelika Thoma
Your heart beats for a young generation, teens and teenagers. Do you love to help young people discover their potential, play crazy games and be role models? Then become part of the leadership team of epic.
Leader: Mathias Rollenhagen
You are a good host and want to make others feel that they are welcome. It is also important for you to support the worship service to run smoothly. Then join the welcome team.
Leader: Erwin Lini
Events are the highlights of every year for you. Planning and organization are your strengths. Then you have to strengthen our event team!
Leader: Jane Kletting
You celebrate it when someone decides for Jesus and sometimes go through difficult times with your brothers and sisters. Then come to Care.
Leader: Giovanna Gerhard
Would you like to combine your passion for children, craftsmanship and nature? Then make a difference with the Royal Rangers.
Leader: Florian Ludwig
Cooking, baking and eating in general are your passion. You like to feed others with your culinary skills, organize snacks, drinks and meals at events? Then you should be part of our Gastro Team.
Leader: Irene Hollmann
Whether printed or digital media are your passion. You like to be creative and can organize yourself well. Social media and website are no foreign terms for you. Then you need to strengthen our media team.
Leader: Cornelia Heule
You would like to use your musical gifts for the glory of God, already have band experience or produce your own music, Come to Worship.
Leader: Josua Tim Ehmer
You are a talented craftsman, a talent for organisation and have an eye for beautiful exterior and interior design. Then strengthen our GU team.
Leader: Willi Schmid
You love to pray long and with devotion. For our country, the church and to change circumstances. Then come to the prayer team.
Leader: Beate Schrempf
You would like to support other MEGA leaders in organizing their small group and you like to think strategically, then become part of the MEGA Orga.
Leader: Cornelia Heule
You are happy to answer all questions about faith, Jesus or baptism. If you like fellowship with others, then support Alpha.
Leader: Thomas Betzler
You have experienced God and want your friends, family and the whole city to know Him? Then become active in our outreach team and take part in regular activities.
Leader: Susanne Zwing
You love to share God's principles of church, faith and leadership. Investing in others is your heart, then lead a class.
Leader: Cornelia Heule