We believe, church should be a place, full of life, excitement and the life changing presence of God. When you are visiting our services, this is exactly what you are going to experience.

We honor God with worship and preach from the bible in a practical and powerful way. Every sunday hundreds experience Gods presence and find new hope through Jesus Christ. Instead of just explaining, you should join one of our services! We would love to get to know you.

Current events

MEGA Term 3 - join a small group  here.

MEGA Term 3 - join a small group here.

Sound of heaven - join us for a night of worship.

Sound of heaven - join us for a night of worship.

More Room | our new building - We are currently saving and planning for our first own build. More info here.

More Room | our new building - We are currently saving and planning for our first own build. More info here.

live church services

10:00 AM

Here you can register yourself and your family.


every sunday 10:00 am

including Kids zone and LIVESTREAM

The sunday service is our highlight during each week. We come together to celebrate Jesus and grow. We always have a strong worship time and encouraging sermon. Our goal is for people to experience God and make a decision to live their lives with Him. While parents join the regular service, Kids ages 0-11 can join Kids Zone for our creative children service.


epic jugend (12-18)

every 2nd friday 8:00 - 10:00 pm

youth service

Royal ranger (6-18)

friday 5:00 - 7:00 pm, saturday action days

christian scouts

get to know our Lead pastors

Lead Pastors



hier kannst du deine berufung entdecken

At NEXT STEP we want to introduce ourselves to you as Life unlimited and discover together with you what gifts you have. NEXT STEP always takes place on the first four Sundays in odd-numbered months (Jan., March, etc.), parallel to our 11:30 a.m. worship service, and restarts regularly. You can join at any of the four steps and do not need to sign up.


step 1



step 2



step 3


schritt 4.png

step 4



As a church, we want to be big enough to reach you and small enough to know you. In MEGA you can find friends, live freedom and get connected directly.

We have groups with very different topics that meet during the week in Ulm, Laupheim and the surrounding area. With this variety, there is guaranteed to be something for you. It's about sharing what we love to do anyway and living our faith together and growing together. Anyone can be part of one or more small groups. We are convinced that your small group will help you grow in faith. 

If you are part of our church, you can easily start a MEGA small group yourself. In one evening we will explain to you exactly how MEGA works and how you can implement your idea (MEGA Start-Up). 


God has gifted each person individually! With these gifts we can help people to get to know God better. This is exactly what the Dreamteam does week after week. If you would like to take the opportunity to become active in serving God and other people, then attend the NEXT STEP course.



Prayer request

“But the congregation prayed fervently to God for him.”
Acts, 12,5b